Monday, 11 October 2010

I'm getting ill

Or at least I think I am.
For the past month or 2 I've been getting migraines, well they could have been just because I need new glasses (which I now have and the new prescription is sending my depth perception way outta whack!)
Well I woke up this morning with a very sore throat, a cough like bug has been going around, so it's probably nothing to worry about. I have also had a bit of a temperature today, it could be the weather it's unusually hot today especially for October in England!

I hope I'm feeling rough because of these factors and not because of anything else. I couldn't bare it if I had mono again (I had it from last November until mid February this year, no jokes.) I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Anyhoo, I got my new glasses today, and I remembered why I put off getting them for so long. New Prescription for the lenses really fucks with your vision at first, lines don't seem straight, my depth perception is non existant, I seriously walked home looking like a member of the ministry of silly walks.

Last night I popped by the ustream channel of thestoppinglights, a friend had directed me to her blog around the time that I started mine, there was talk of 'Michiru' who I haven't yet had any dealings with but have seen her own blog and comments she has posted around the web. She definitely seems a bit dodgy to me.

I'm actually kinda hungry now, it's half 1, well almost, here and I only had a small breakfast this morning, but, I'm having Curry for dinner later so it's all good!

In case you were wondering, I haven't seen The Slender Man since I had that dream a few days ago, I wonder why.

As always feel free to comment or email me at
I'll always reply as best as I can.


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